Leadership Cohorts white

Leadership Cohorts

Get practical, hands-on training and 1-to-1 coaching from experts.

Pastors must receive the practical tools and skills needed to feel empowered to lead in a world they weren’t prepared for.

The Challenge Facing Pastors

Seminaries effectively prepare their graduates for 50% of the pastoral role – the spiritual and theological half. But the other 50% can’t be taught in a classroom. Leadership and organizational management skills can only develop in the real world.

Our coaches and facilitators guide pastors through building a healthy, effective ministry with a clear vision, a cohesive leadership team, and a healthy spiritual foundation.

Our goal is transformational Kingdom impact.

Our hands-on, personalized approach provides practical skills and incorporates key relational touchpoints with trained coaches to produce significant, long-term change.

Cohort Program Overview

Our leadership cohorts address 24 of the most important topics pastors face in their roles. Our program begins and ends with data-driven insights from assessments that heighten self-awareness and track personal and professional growth. Engaging monthly workshops allow for dynamic discussion, encouragement, and community. Between workshops, each participant receives two 1-to-1 executive coaching sessions that leverage our unique coaching model.

Our cohorts are 15 months and typically launch in September or January and break for two months in the summer and December.

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1. Assessment

The Assessments

Our cohorts leverage data-driven insights as the first step in heightening self-awareness in order to spark transformation. At the start of each cohort, participants take a pre-assessment in order to establish a baseline as well as target growth areas. Then at the conclusion of the cohort, participants retake the assessment and are often wowed by their personal and professional growth.

The Judgment Index

The Judgment Index is an assessment of a person’s value system and capacity for good judgment. It is not an intelligence test, an EQ test or a personality test, but rather one of the most highly mathematical and scientifically-based assessment instruments ever created. 

The Emotionally Healthy Leader

Our curriculum uses Pete Scazzero’s book, The Emotionally Healthy Leader, because it does an insightful job of connecting a leader’s interior emotional and spiritual life to their external actions. Scazzero’s short assessment gives a snapshot into the current health of a person’s leadership.

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2. Curriculum

The Curriculum

Our curriculum was developed to bridge the gap between seminary education and the leadership and management skills required to lead a flourishing church. We have curated a reading list of influential authors covering 24 of the most crucial topics to guide transformation and upskill leadership. Our digital workbooks guide participants through each of these topics with moments of self discovery, questions to prompt group discussions in the workshops, and personal reflection ahead of their coaching sessions.


3. Coaching

The Coaching

Each month, participants receive two 1-to-1 virtual coaching sessions. Informed by data from the pre-assessment, our coaches are able to pinpoint areas of burnout and specifically coach towards health. Like any coaching session, each conversation begins with discovery questions and everything shared is kept confidential.

Hybrid Coaching Model

Our unique coaching model is a hybrid approach that seamlessly integrates counseling, mentoring, consulting, and coaching. This allows our experienced team of coaches to utilize various tactics to best serve the client’s needs at any given moment.

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4. Community

The Community

City-based in-person workshops meet monthly to engage in the curriculum, receive confidential support, provide encouragement and upskill their leadership. Often peer-to-peer coaching organically unfolds as intimacy and fellowship grow.

Our workshops break for two months in the summer and in December to better accommodate the schedules of our pastor participants.

What Does it Cost?

After your deposit, the leadership cohort costs $300 a month.

The total cost of the program is $10,000, but Anágo Partners fundraises 50% making the program accessible to pastors leading small or large churches.

Here’s what you’ll have at the conclusion of the cohort:

  • 24 coaching sessions
  • 12 in-person workshops
  • Pre and post-assessments
  • Digital Participant Workbook
  • A fully stocked library* 
  • Lasting friendships with a trusted community
  • The skills you need to help you and your church flourish!

*participants are asked to purchase their own books from our reading list

Preview a Workshop?

Prior to starting a new cohort, we offer free previews of our workshops. Attendees get a taste of our program, curriculum and executive coaching. You’ll walk away encouraged with no obligation.

Available Cities


Our Leadership Cohorts are expanding into new cities every year! See our list of available cities

Available Cities


Our Leadership Cohorts are expanding into new cities every year! See our list of available cities

Available Cities


Our Leadership Cohorts are expanding into new cities every year! See our list of available cities

Available Cities


Our Leadership Cohorts are expanding into new cities every year! See our list of available cities

Available Cities


Our Leadership Cohorts are expanding into new cities every year! See our list of available cities

Available Cities


Our Leadership Cohorts are expanding into new cities every year! See our list of available cities

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"I wouldn’t be in ministry today if it weren’t for Anágo Partners"

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