Success Stories

I am beyond thankful for the past 18 months in the Anágo Partners Fellowship. All of the assessments, reading assignments, and discussions have been helpful in my own spiritual growth and leadership potential. Processing the material with other church leaders — while developing relationships with them — has been icing on the cake. For my own life and ministry, the most powerful piece of the Fellowship has been the coaching and guidance received from Clyde Godwin. Clyde’s love for the gospel of Jesus, his persistence in prayer, and his desire to see me grow into my own potential have brought much fruit in my life. I cannot recommend this enough!

Ben Tietje

Pastor, New Hope Presbyterian Church (Clemmons, NC)

I wouldn’t be in ministry today if it wasn’t for Anágo Partners. Being in the Anágo Partners program was the best money our church has ever spent.

Ricky Jones

Senior Pastor, RiverOaks Presbyterian Church (Tulsa, OK)

Seminary taught me to study the Bible, but it could not prepare me for leading the church. Much of what I’ve learned through personal study was out of desperation for answers. I wish I had Anágo Partners much earlier in my career to help me navigate the complexities of church leadership. Anágo Partners provides a holistic approach to pastoral leadership and renewal in the church that every pastor will benefit from. I commend Anágo Partners to every pastor, new or seasoned.

Tim Locke

Senior Pastor, East Cobb Presbyterian Church (Marietta, GA)

The Anágo Partners Leadership Program came at a crucial time in ministry for me. The combination of one on one coaching paired with a terrific cohort of pastors enabled substantial development and expansion of my own leadership capacity.

Father Thomas Kincaid

Vice Rector, The Church of the Incarnation (Dallas, TX)

My desire to lean in more deeply to know Christ became a reality within our first few gatherings as a cohort. I was renewed personally, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. Anágo Partners provided a landscape for quantifiable impact with transformational results.

I will be forever grateful to the Anágo leadership team and specifically my coach, Rod Entrekin.


Rev. Stephen Streett

Senior Pastor, Misty Creek Community Church (Sandy Springs, GA)

Anágo Partners is a fantastic resource for a pastor seeking "continuing education" post-seminary. If seminary is drinking from a fire hose, Anágo allows pastors to further absorb and embody pastoral leadership through appropriate readings and deep-dive discussions into current church and culture hot topics. In addition, coaching gives you the opportunity to address your specific concerns about your current situation directly with an experienced pastor and coach.

Jake Patton

Lead Pastor, New City Presbyterian Church (Celina, TX)

In over 30 years of pastoral ministry, I've been blessed with many training opportunities, including leadership development and coaching.  Anágo Partners training, however, provided the most effective and productive benefit to my ministry because of its informative assessments, pertinent content, and outstanding coaching.

Dwight Dunn

Senior Interim Pastor, Westtown Church (Tampa, FL)

Anágo has meant the following to me:

  1. Great encouragement and actual help in growing in godliness and dependence upon Christ.
  2. Super good fellowship with other pastors in our area; a strong reminder that I am not alone, my struggles are not unique. It has reminded me I’m neither stupid nor inept, but rather I am trying to do something hard and finding it difficult.
  3. Real help in how to manage, lead and adapt in the midst of those difficulties. Every pastor can get more skilled in leadership... New pastors and seasoned pastors can benefit from this sort of environment.
Ben Wheeler

Pastor, Redeemer Presbyterian Church (Tyler, TX)

The opportunity to participate in Anágo has come at a perfect time in my ministry. I am in a new leadership role in my church and thinking through issues of organizational leadership, spiritual health for pastors, and more. Having the opportunity for focused study and discussion once a month has been life-giving and has energized hope in me for the next season of leadership. Also, as a young leader, having a seasoned coach who is outside of my church has been imminently helpful on many levels.

Alex Dean

Associate Pastor, New St Peter’s Presbyterian Church (Dallas, TX)

The Anágo Partners Leadership Program provided instrumental support and guidance for me as I began a new season of ministry. The individualized coaching and the cohorts have helped me grow in my ability to lead and become a more effective pastor to my congregation. Like any effective coach, the Anágo Partners Leadership Program met me where I was in ministry and walked with me by providing an effective support structure by challenging me in areas I need to grow and encouraging me in areas that are going well and helping me identify the difference. I would recommend this program to any pastor looking for Christ-centered guidance in leading their church and a community of pastors to walk with in ministry.

Jonathan Tony

Senior Pastor, Hackberry Creek Church (Irving, TX)

Doing full-time ministry as a pastor can often be lonely and confusing. As a younger minister myself, I can especially feel this to be true. On many days and in many situations, I long for someone to come by my side to help me on the way. Not only to help me grow as a leader, but even more to help me lead and live more fully out of the gospel. I’m thankful this is what I have experienced during my time in the Charlotte Cohort with Anágo Partners. Through the material we’ve studied, our monthly cohort meetings, and regular coaching calls with Clyde Godwin, I have grown practically and personally in ways that have surprised and energized me. Most importantly, the cohort has served to strengthen the gospel-foundations of my life and leadership. After the past 15 months, I feel much more equipped to keep running the race God has set before me.

Aaron Ingle

Site Pastor, Hope Community Church (Charlotte, NC)

I've really enjoyed and benefited from my months in our local Anágo cohort. I expected the reading and study material to be good, but what I did not anticipate is how encouraged and edified I would be by the relationships with other pastors that formed and deepened during our time together. I expect to stay lifelong friends with many of these brothers and sisters, and I'm extremely grateful for our cohort leader and loving shepherd, Clyde!

Trip Smith

Pastoral Resident, Hope Community Church (Charlotte, NC)

The Anágo cohort came at an important time in my life and ministry and filled in a number of the gaps that my seminary education couldn't. It was the perfect blend of education and training, friendship, and "talking shop." At a time when many pastors are quitting the ministry, Clyde's mentorship has both encouraged and exhorted me to keep going, to sharpen my skills, and to entrust my plans to God with faith and hope.

Ethan Smith

Pastor for Congregational Life, Hope Presbyterian Church (Winston-Salem, NC)

Participating in the Anágo Partners cohort over the past 15 months has been tremendously helpful to me as a Christian and as a pastor. The reading, group discussions, and one-on-one coaching has led to growth in my understanding of God’s grace, to clearer self-knowledge, to a deeper prayer life, to healthier relationships, to wisdom for leadership challenges in my church, and to a better vision for my ministry. I’m really grateful for my experience.

Derek Radney

Senior Pastor, Trinity Church PCA (Winston-Salem, NC)