Why Anágo Partners is so Unique.

Are you and your church flourishing?

Most pastors were taught how to teach, preach, and counsel, but have never received the training they need to manage and lead a healthy and effective organization.

The result? Burnout, declining churches and a growing leadership crisis.

All is not well.
The Church is struggling.

Many reputable studies tell us that there is a significant Church leadership crisis.

We believe these trends are reversible, but it will take flourishing pastors leading flourishing churches to get it done.

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65% of Protestant churches are plateaued or declining in attendance

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38% of pastors are considering quitting

Have you given real, serious consideration to quitting being in full-time ministry within the last year?

  • January 2021 29% 29%
  • October 2021 38% 38%

2 in 3 pastors are considered unhealthy or average in terms of well-being

Only 35% of pastors were ranked as healthy after scoring "excellent" or "good" on all six of the well-being categories


  • Healthy 35% 35%
  • Average 41% 41%
  • Unhealthy 24% 24%

“This is a growing crisis for church leaders in America. Now is the time for the Christian community to come alongside their pastors to pray and support them so they can continue to lead in healthy ways.”

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-David Kinnaman, President of Barna Group

Comprehensive Approach

Our programs are designed to bring flourishing at every level of the church.


Upskilling pastors through our Leadership Cohorts


Assessing the current health of all the ministries of the church through our Church Health Assessments


Training and engaging church members through our Congregational Engagement Program COMING SOON

Programs that Bring Flourishing to Pastors and Churches

Our programs are multifaceted, data-driven and transformational. Our comprehensive approach is designed to bring flourishing at every level of the Church.

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We Specialize in Cohorts for Pastors

Our Leadership Cohorts cover 24 crucial topics for pastors. Data-driven assessments enhance self-awareness and monitor growth. Monthly workshops foster lively discussions and community. Each participant receives 24 one-on-one coaching sessions using our exclusive coaching model.

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We Specialize in Church Health Assessments

Our Church Health Assessment program uses surveys, research, interviews, and onsite visits to gather data and provide a detailed report to church leaders. We offer 12 months of coaching and guidance to improve the overall health of the church.

Hear how our programs impact the Church

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"I wouldn’t be in ministry today if it weren’t for Anágo Partners"

What Are Pastors Saying?

Read more success stories from other pastors just like Ricky Jones. Hear how Anágo Partners has strengthened their health, cultivated their leadership and transformed their churches.